Brewing is a resource-heavy industry and has large emission sources, from transport of beer to the agricultural emissions from growing the ingredients we use. We are trying to tackle this issue with a multi-faceted approach and trying to be as transparent as possible. Please read on to learn a bit more about our journey so far and what we’re working hard on to achieve.
It all started with measuring…
Our sustainability journey began through working with Zevero, who conducted our first full company carbon footprint audit allowing us to gain real insight into the impact DEYA has to the environment and to identify hot spots and areas we should focus on.
Click here for our latest 2022 carbon footprint report.
This was a full cradle to grave business analysis in which our CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) was calculated. CO2e is a number equal to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in the production, storage, packaging, and transportation of different products.
With the benefit of this insight, we have pursued both in house reduction strategies and climate change mitigation strategies. More information on the work we have done to address our emissions is detailed below.

‘Product Standard’ is the carbon footprint of our beer in cans and kegs. We made the choice to have each and every style of beer we brew measured, and display this information on the labels on our cans.
We have calculated this per Litre as opposed to per can/pint as previously, to make it easier for our customers to compare this against other products.
We believe knowing the carbon footprint of the products you buy is important. It allows customers to be more in the know when it comes to their carbon footprint as a consumer.
This is an example of what our can labels look like, with each different beer style having its own specific CO2e calculation. You might have seen this previously, however this has now been updated to show the carbon footprint per Litre.

The emissions that are associated with the use and acquisition of our raw ingredients that go into each beer, e.g. malt, hops, yeast and water and any brewing additions such as brewing salts or fruit zest and puree.

Includes emissions from electricity, gas and water that we use to make our beer, as well as any waste products.

Emissions associated with the specific packaging type of which we’re analysing, in this case 500ml aluminium cans, 30L steel kegs, and 9G casks.

This category takes into account emissions from how the beer has travelled to the customer- whether this be via our webshop, wholesalers, or when customers come to the Tappy to pick up cans.

This includes emissions from customers keeping their beer in the fridge and the gas needed to dispense kegs.

Kegged beer has a slightly lower carbon footprint than cans, this is due to efficiencies gained in larger packaging volumes and the reusability of the kegs we use. However, research has shown that aluminium cans are the next best option after kegs.

We have continued to partner with Zevero to measure our emissions and are proud to be a member of their online auditing platform. This allows us to measure our monthly emissions and brings us even closer to knowing the ins and outs of our carbon footprint, where the hotspots are, and where we can focus on reducing our environmental impact.
It’s vital companies start and continue to measure their emissions to create change. The more we measure, the more the industry is aware of the emissions we create, the more we can start to reduce.
Download our 2022 cradle to grave carbon footprint above, and take a stroll down memory lane if you’d like and read our 2021 & 2020 report!
Please have a read, share it, and contact us below with any questions you might have.
Using this platform also allowed us to see how our emissions stand up against any projects we implement to lower our in-house emissions, and against our peatland and forestry restoration projects. If you haven’t heard about this then follow the links below to find out more about the work we’ve done with Forest Carbon and The Woodland Trust for our climate change mitigation.