Deya Brewery // Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies

We have implemented many in-house measures, both large and small, and are continuing to research new ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint. Read some of these actions below:

CO2 capture and recovery system

    • We have recently had a CO2 recovery system installed in our brewery
    • This connects up to our fermentation tanks and captures all CO2 released during fermentation
    • After some initial tests have been done, we will then be able to re-use this CO2 for different purposes in the brewery such as to carbonate our beer and move beer from tank to tank
    • This will allow us to be self-sufficient in our CO2 usage!
New CIP set for tank cleaning which reduces CO2 use
    • Our shiny new CIP set allows us to clean tanks more efficiently and use alternative chemicals which allows us to reduce our CO2 usage
    • We have seen a 30% reduction in CO2 usage since it’s install
Working with suppliers to reduce indirect emissions
    • It's vital to make links with the brilliant companies we work with!


We have partnered with CheltenhamZero to create a network of connections with like-minded businesses in the area, working together and aiming to be net zero carbon by 2030


We are powered by renewables. Our supplier provides us with electricity entirely powered by hydro and wind energy. It is fully backed by Renewable Electricity Guarantees of Origin and independently verified by EcoAct, a Carbon Disclosure Project Accredited Provider.


We are a Zero to Landfill company working with Great Western Recycling. This means none of our waste ever goes to landfill and instead, what cannot be recycled is incinerated to generate energy. We have also introduced more recycling streams to ensure as much waste is recycled as possible.


Spent grain and hops are picked up by a local farmer for cattle feed and the bins they are collected in are returned to us.

  • We only use organic cotton and / or recycled organic cotton / recycled polyester for our merchandise
  • This cuts down the amount of water used to make our merch
  • Standard cotton requires 2,700L water to make 1 tee, organic cotton only uses 243L!
  • We also only use water-based and waste inks to print on our merch


Merchandise mailing bags (for webshop orders) are made from renewable materials including grass paper, a very sustainable and renewable paper, or FSC recycled paper. These are both compostable and recyclable.


We minimise paper use wherever possible and use 100% recycled printer paper.


We use centrefeed roll made from 100% recycled materials instead of the industry standard blue roll which is made from virgin materials.


We encourage our employees to walk or cycle to work where possible.